Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eyeshadow For Your Eyecolor!

For those who have no clue really how to do your own makeup a good start is to get some basic information. Now I dont believe in putting limitations of makeup, I feel its self-expression and art. But for those on the more conservative side or just need some basic looks for work, It's good to go with something more toned down or practical.

Blue Eyes

earth tones:  browns, chocolate, caramel, plums

Green Eyes

browns, golds, green, mustard, olive

Brown Eyes

purples, blues, grays/blacks

Friday, January 6, 2012

Review Friday: Maybelline's Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner in Sapphire

Hey hey! Alas is it friday! Which  means I get to rant or rave about a product and this week....it's a rave!

I'm so corny.

Anywhozers...  This is a gel liner by Maybelline Eye Studio in Sapphire.
It's a beautiful deep blue.

There's a tad bit of an iridescent-like sparkle. Nothing dramatic however that doesn't take away from its lure. <3

In the package comes the eyeliner applicator which I'm not entirely fond of. I think it's a little too thick. It's relatively small but when I do my eyeliner I want the line even and precise. I feel with this applicator it makes the lines a little too big for my taste plus it doesn't really distribute the gel evenly. Which unless you're buying expensive brushes is to be expected.

You can get this at the local drugstore:
CVS , Walgreens, Duane Reade, etc. It was around 8$

I swatched it next to a black pencil eyeliner to show the difference of it's hue. Alone when applied in layers the gel liner can look so deep that it may seem black. But the dfference is more significant in certain lights.

So I think this color is lovely and the quality is great. I choose to use a smaller applicator when I'm doing specific "outside the norm" looks but for casual looks depending on your style,  I would say  I'd rate the applicater an 8 out of 10.